Great piece on Advanced Analytics
Christer Johnson :IBM Global Business Services Leader, Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics
One of the many things I've learned from more than 19 years of using analytics
to solve challenging business problems is that the word analytics means
different things to different people. So before diving into numbers, I
define analytics by the objectives they intend to achieve, and the
decisions they intend to improve or accelerate. In that context,
analytics falls into three categories: descriptive, predictive, and
Descriptive analytics, also referred to as business intelligence,
provide a clear understanding of what has happened in the past, through
visualization of key performance metrics or other data in a report or
dashboard. Today, the past can be as recent as just a millisecond ago.
The sports world has long been a leader in the use of descriptive
analytics to provide fans, coaches, and players with a wide range of
statistical reports that help them understand what's happening on the
field -- whether a coach wants to improve play, or fans want to win
their fantasy league.
However, with descriptive analytics, fans and coaches alike must rely
on their intuition and ability to interpret the data in order to gain
any insight on the relationship or correlation between data inputs and
data outputs.
That's where predictive analytics, the second category of analytics, comes into play.
In predictive analytics, the objective is to use advanced
mathematical techniques on that past data to understand the underlying
relationship between data inputs, outputs and outcomes. Effective
predictive models let us quickly understand and estimate outcomes across
a wide array of scenarios and conditions. Commonly used for
forecasting, simulation, root cause analysis, and data mining,
predictive modeling techniques provide insight into complex data that we
can't manually interpret from a report or interactive dashboard.
Billy Beane of the Oakland A's famously used predictive modeling
techniques to uncover new data inputs that were highly correlated with
the outcome of winning baseball games. In tennis, IBM recently began
using predictive analytics to automatically sift through a multitude of
factors from seven years of data about every point played in the Grand Slam tournaments -- all to estimate the top three keys to each player's match.
Predictive analytics still requires manual evaluation of the various
scenarios and the predictive results of each scenario, in order to make a
decision. This works well when a decision involves just a few options
and the decision maker has time to interpret the predictive results from
the various scenarios (for example, a coach using past game statistics
to plan for the next game).
It does not work well, however, when a decision maker is faced with
thousands or millions of options. Nor does it work well when a decision
is needed just seconds after key data inputs are received. This is where
prescriptive analytics comes into play.
This third category of analytics, prescriptive analytics, uses
mathematical optimization to take into account a multitude of data
inputs and constraints related to an objective. The formulas sift
through potentially millions of possible decisions to prescribe the
actions that will maximize the user's objectives.
Major League Baseball now uses a complex collection of optimization
models to create its schedule each year. And some of the most-common
uses of optimization outside of sports include pricing optimization for
airlines, hotels, and retail chains; transportation planning and
scheduling for distribution companies; and the decisions around how to
allocate marketing dollars across channels and product categories.
Analyzing Big Data
Today, even small companies are armed with the software and hardware platforms that can efficiently and effectively perform these three types of analytics on enormous volumes of data -- Big Data.
Today, even small companies are armed with the software and hardware platforms that can efficiently and effectively perform these three types of analytics on enormous volumes of data -- Big Data.
Big Data is defined by the four Vs: Volume (terabytes, petabytes, or
more), Velocity (streaming data), Variety (structured variables in a
database, versus unstructured text, voice, or video), and Veracity (the
degree to which data is accurate and can be trusted).
With the explosion of unstructured data on social media, companies
are rushing to analyze this type of Big Data to better understand
customers' views, preferences, and behaviors. As exemplified during the
Olympics, there are few industries that generate more excitement,
discussion, and ultimately data than sports.
The key for sports franchises, as with any company needing to make
the most of big data, is to start with the question to be answered, and
the decision to be made. Once the question and decision are clear, you
have a much higher chance of collecting the right data; using the
most-appropriate analytical techniques; and producing insight that you
can turn into value for your customers, your company, and yourself.